Sunday, December 29, 2019

Animal Testing Pros and Cons Essay - 1021 Words

The ethical treatment and testing on animals is a widely controversial subject in the field of zoology. Views on animal testing range from positivity to full negativity. Animals such as mice and rats have been found to have psychological and genetic similarities that relate to humans which make them perfect for the experimental trials. Before various products are put out for humans consumption, animals are the most common way for companies to see if their new inventions work. The benefits and improvements to modern medicine as a result of animal testing should be weighed heavily against the harmful and toxic ingredients used in such experiments and their detrimental effects on test subjects like rats and mice. Something important to†¦show more content†¦The three Rs represents a way of keeping to an absolute minimum of usage, purifying experiments down to the basics and using alternatives. These will benefit the animals and help worried consumers. Changes in modern medicine because of animal experimentation can be seen in many parts of the field of medicine. Not only in human medicine, but also in veterinary medicine are obvious improvements. There are better vaccines for rabies, amongst many others, and treatments for feline leukemia. According to Americans for Medical Progress, 2.7 million Americans have an active seizure disorder (Animal Research). It is reported that because of animal testing, nine new medicines and eight treatments are in the process of being created from product testing on animals. Also, there is restored hope that there is a chance that diseases like AIDS and heart disease could be cured because of experimental animal trials (Animal Research). There has also been dramatic improvements for a Parkinsons Disease treatment including stem cell therapy first done on animals (Animal Research). The improvements are very beneficial to not only humans but also animals alike. On the other hand, there are many harmful toxins and ingredien ts in the testing materials that cause harm to animals. Animal advocates believe that all creatures should have the same rights as humans (TheShow MoreRelatedThe Pros And Cons Of Animal Testing937 Words   |  4 PagesAbout Animal Testing? Kaylee Smith 9-6-2017 AGR 199 Introduction and Background Not very many people think about the fact that a majority of the products they buy have been tested on animals, let alone animal testing in general. Animal testing has been going on for many years, with the use of dogs, cats, mice, rabbits, mini pigs, and farm animals. When someone brings up animal testing there usually is an argument about the pros and cons. Many people are against it because the animals are beingRead MoreThe Pros and Cons of Animal Testing2973 Words   |  12 Pagescabinet has been tested on an animal at one point or another. A government funded corporation called the Food and Drug Administration, abbreviated as the FDA, is in charge of making sure that all drugs, cosmetics, biological products, and more are efficient, secure, and safe for human usage. The FDA will not allow any drug to be released or sold to the human population if it has not first been tested on animals. In fact, when a drug is first created it is tested on animals before humans are even all owedRead MoreThe Pros and Cons of Animal Testing1413 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction Each year in USA laboratories more then 100 million animals are burned, poisoned and lamed (Top 5 Shocking Animal Experimentation Facts). Each year scientists use animals in order to progress, to improve life of people and animals. However, many testing animals suffer and die. But others do not agree and support the fact that we should use animals because of advance. So what are advantages and disadvantages of using animals? This problem will be researched from different areas such asRead MorePros And Cons Of Animal Testing1074 Words   |  5 Pages Animal Testing is a enormous upset in the word today. Animal activist have been trying to put an end to it for years , but to no avail. Animal testing is when scientist will use animals to do experiments on . They will either hook heavy machinery to these poor defenseless animals or inject them with harsh chemicals just to see if its okay for human use. Over 26 millions of animals are used every year in just the united states alone for these cruel acts by the hand of man. Testing on animals haveRead MorePros And Cons Of Animal Testing1288 Words   |  6 Pagesâ€Å"Each animal bred or used for research, whether a mouse, fish, or monkey, is an individual capable of experiencing pain, suffering, and distress† (â€Å"Animal† 2013). The advancements in technology today had sparked a debate worldwide on whether it is right or wrong to use animals for experimentation in laboratories. With newl y advanced scientific technology, experts are able to utilize advanced technology to simulate functions of the human body on a much smaller scale, including microchips of humanRead MoreThe Pros And Cons Of Animal Testing2487 Words   |  10 PagesMillions of animals suffer painfully and even die as an outcome of scientific research. The effects of drugs, food additives, cosmetics and other chemical products slowly kill innocent animals every year. Although some people believe animal testing is necessary, others firmly believe that the alternatives choices that have been discovered over the years are the way to go. Especially because these choices are cheaper, more reliable and do not harm animals. This essay looks into the pros and cons of animalRead MoreThe Pros And Cons Of Animal Testing1725 Words   |  7 PagesEach year, more than 100 million animals are experimented on in U.S. laboratories. These experiments are for things such as biology lessons, medical training, curiosity -driven experimentation, and chemical, drug, food, and cosmetics testing.(Procon writers) Animal testing, also known as animal experimentation, is the use of non-human animals in experiments that seek to control the variables that affect the behavior or biological system under study. Animal testing is controversial and people findRead MoreThe Pros And Cons Of Animal Testing826 Words   |  4 PagesAnimal testing, although extremely debated, is something that should no longer be practiced anywhere around the world. Let’s start by taking a look at just how much animal testing is practiced in the United States as well as in other countries. The article called, â€Å"Animal Use Statistics† from the Humane Society International, says, â€Å"Only a small proportion of countries collect and publish data concerning their use of animals for testing and research, but it is estimated that more than 115 millionRead MoreThe Pros And Cons Of Animal Testing1502 Words   |  7 Pag esthat animal testing is beneficial to the advancement of human knowledge, while animal rights’ activists claim that animal testing is not humane and violates animals’ rights. The controversy over animal testing is best understood as a disagreement about whether animal testing is beneficial to humans. Each year more than 100 million animals are killed in the U.S. Every country has a law that permits medical experimentation on animals. While some countries protect particular kinds of animals fromRead MorePros And Cons Of Animal Testing905 Words   |  4 PagesAnimal testing has been the target of animal cruelty groups since the beginning of its existence, but the benefits it provides, humans and animals far greater than the type of method that is used to get the results. Scientists Karl Landsteiner’s success in finding a cure to polio is an example of how the benefits of animal testing helped better future human lives. In his experiments he discovered that P olio viruses had three variations, meaning that they would have to produce a product that could

Friday, December 20, 2019

Group Example

Essays on Group Coursework Group Dynamics According to sociologists a group is defined as an interaction process between two or more individual who share the same features and have a collective sense of unity with each other. Individuals within a group are able to gain an identity and a sense of belonging. In addition, a group is mainly characterized by a common goal and objectives, cultural values and accepted norms and a similar interest. Sociologists have further established two types of groups that are based on their features; a primary group and a secondary group. Examples of a primary group include family groups, church groups, and love relations among others. Examples of secondary groups involve community and help groups. Therefore a family as a primary group will be highlighted in the essay (Forsyth, 2-6). The functionalist perspective in understanding groups was based on the works of Herbert Spencer and Emile Durkheim. Functionalism holds that society involves an interconnection of various parts that work in harmony for the purposes of enhancing the social balance. A family contributes essential functions of socialization, nurturing and reproduction in the society. The conflict theory is mainly based on the works of Karl Marx. In relation to existence of groups in the society conflict theorists argue that society is composed into different groups as a result of competition for power and resources. Hence, a family as a exercises its own power and benefit from the existing social arrangement. Symbolic interactionism largely the works of George Simmel argues that the sense of identity is fashioned through the process of social interaction. Thus, self-concept is developed through the interaction process that a family as a group facilitates (Mooney 1-3).Works CitedForsyth, Donelson. Group Dynamics. Introduction to Group Dynamics. Fourth Edition. Thomson Learning Academic Centre. 2006.Mooney, Knox and Schacht. The Three main Sociological Perspectives. Understanding Social Pro blems, 5th edition. 2007.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Case Study Leopard Controls Management System

Question: Discuss about the Case Study of Leopard Controls Management System. Answer: Marketing professional for Leopard Controls Leopard Controls had been in the field of building management systems (BMS) for over 20 years now. But the business has been restricted to Western Australia with very little expansion. With increasing globalization it is unfortunate that a company that is extremely client oriented havent found an opportunity to grow beyond Perth and explore the world of options provided by the increasing need for environmental protection. The companys current advertising is minimum and has no active social presence. After backing the contract with Perth International Airport it has become obvious that the company is more invested in the bottom-top approach which may not be beneficial in several other organizations where contract decisions are hardly consulted with the day-to-day workers. Hence, for Leopard Controls to sustain in the current market and expand its shares it is crucial that they penetrate into international markets and find ways to gain larger contracts. Achieving the same can be done b y investing substantially in to marketing (Kotler, 2013). A marketing professional would be able to provide a better analysis of the current market scenario and present the Leopard Controls with the current market needs, the current competitors and their strategy as inputs to understand what changes need to be done with the company. Marketing has taken a back seat with Leopard Controls and hence cheap and efficient ways to increase the market scope would be provided by a marketing professional (Kotler, 2015). Potential international markets that have few competitors in BMS can be identified and the simplest market that would provide considerable returns and an opportunity to understand how business overseas happen can be used to penetrate the international waters (Czinkota, 2013). One other key concept for which a marketing view can be given is the open sourcing adopted. It is necessary to understand if this strategy is making more loss than profit. Pros and Cons of the current business strategy The current business strategy of Leopard Controls is to provide software and hardware that has open source programming implemented allowing its clients to change to any other service provider if need be. This kind of approach can be extremely sensitive as there is a need for Leopard Controls to be the best service provider at minimum cost at all times. Not compromising in regard to quality of services is always as asset to the company. But to be able to provide low price services slows down the growth of the organization. Pros: The current strategy of Leopard Controls is completely client oriented, giving the one option that none of the current BMS service providers provide. The chance to choose a different vendor in case the client is not satisfied with the company. It is obvious that any client would prefer trying on the services of a 20 year experienced provider who gives the option of reaching to other vendors if need be. Hence, the number of clients that approach are significantly high when compared to other organizations (Glasser, 2015). This approach would secure clients who are loyal and would be associated with the company for long terms since Leopard controls is not locking in the clients. This strategy also shows the confidence that the company has in its products and services, making the company a strong contender. The company uses a bottom-up selling approach which ensures that a strong bond is maintained not just with the client but also with the working staff. Cons: The business strategy of Leopard Controls is definitely innovative and provides what the current market lacks. However, there is a potential chance that the same strategy is one on the main reasons for the slow growth of the company. The strategy provides a free get away to the clients by simply stating that they are not satisfied by the services. However, the actual reason may be a better priced client. Also, the company does not have in-house expertise that can develop open source equipment leading to the need of external vendors. If the company started using proprietary equipment, the company can establish their own assembly line for these products making the cost of production significantly low. Retention of clients can be a difficult task in this kind of scenarios since it is necessary that the services have to be at the best quality at all times (Goetsch, 2014). It is not just the equipment but also the customer support has to have a strong presence (Gilmour, 2013). The need to please the clients is much higher. Also, the company has to ensure that the services are provided at a competitive price when compared to other contenders decreasing the revenue substantially. References Czinkota, M.R. and Ronkainen, I.A., 2013. International marketing. Cengage Learning. Gilmour, P., Borg, G., Duffy, P.A., Johnston, N.D., Limbek, B.E. and Shaw, M.R., 2013. Customer service: differentiating by market segment. International Journal of Physical Distribution Materials Management. Glasser, M.D. and Meagher, J., 2014. Choice theory. Harper Collins Publishers. Goetsch, D.L. and Davis, S.B., 2014. Quality management for organizational excellence. pearson. Kotler, P. and Reibstein, D., 2013. Does your company really need a marketing department. Marketing News, pp.20-21. Kotler, P., Keller, K.L., Manceau, D. and Hmonnet-Goujot, A., 2015. Marketing management (Vol. 14). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Systematic Auditing and Assurance Services †

Question: Discuss about the Systematic Auditing and Assurance Services. Answer: Introduction: Bega Cheese operates in the dairy industry where they supply cheddar cheese as well as processed cheddar cheese into the retail and food service markets in and across Australia (William Jr, Glover and Prawitt 2016). The company is a public listed and owned by shareholders where the business manufactures natural cheddar cheese that can be either cut or pack the cheese into the retail packs made available in the supermarket. Bega Cheese has forever supposed the best approach for building value as well as managing risk for combining with the enduring knowledge as well as business information with innovative approaches and thoughts (Elder, Beasley and Arens 2012). The company delivers number of positive outcomes for its stakeholders for the financial year 2017 where they face many challenges and intense competition. The company works together for generating top line revenue growth, improved financial performance as well as maintaining strong balance sheet at the time of investing in the near future. The company built on partnerships with the valued customers as well as maintaining trust from valued milk suppliers (Ricchiute 2014). What particular laws or regulations affect its operations? National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007- Bega Cheese Group is subject to Federal as well as State Environmental Regulations. This takes into consideration the reporting requirements under the above-mentioned act (Louwers et al. 2013). State Environment Protection Regulations- Bega Cheese manufacturing sites are licensed under the regulations where the licenses stipulated performance for all the emissions such as air, noise, odour and wastewater (Gay and Simnett 2015). Bega Cheese has a code of behavior that enclose a cohesive set of philosophy as it will engage all the officers and employees for abiding by the business and dealing with the stakeholders In the year 2016, Chinese authorities proclaim changes for regulating the sale as well as allocation of infant formula to China (Garner 2015). The company is well placed for operating activities in accordance with the revised legislation that anticipates for coming into effect in the year 2017. Bega Cheese continues to work with the regulators as well as actively involved in managing actions for reducing the emissions to air and waste water volumes (Elder, Beasley and Arens 2012). The Protection of the Environment Act 1997 The Clean Energy Act 2011 Identification of five inherent risks for the audit of Bega Cheese Inherent Risk is one of the risk that is pretense by an error or omission in a fiscal statement because to a feature other than a malfunction of control. It is the risk that mostly occur other than a failure of control where the transactions are intricate or situations that need a high degree of decision in regards to fiscal approximation (Elder, Beasley and Arens 2012). Some of the inherent risks faced by Bega Cheese at the time of audit are as follows: Understanding the risk as well as control systems operated by Bega Cheese used for assessing the design and effectiveness that include managing compliance. As a food producer, Bega Cheese faces various communal sustainability risks that take into consideration matters connecting to safety of products as well as workforce in the communities (Eilifsen et al. 2013). It is all about consumer safety that should be taken as top precedence and any breach to that will result to reputational damage. Bega Cheese mature quality management takes into consideration quality declaration with absolute traceability of the entire element as well as products (Elder, Beasley and Arens 2012). Bega Cheese expose to various financial risks such as market risks. The market risk comprises currency risk, price risk and interest rate risk. Addition to that, there are even credit risk and liquidity risk that are faced by Bega Cheese (Campbell 2015). The company risk management approach mainly deals with the unpredictability of fiscal markets as well as finds ways for minimizing probable unfavorable effects on the financial presentation in the most appropriate way (Elder, Beasley and Arens 2012). Bega Cheese uses derivative financial instruments like foreign swap contracts for hedging specific risk exposures. It is the derivatives that are used for hedging purposes and not for trading of any tentative purpose. Bega Cheese uses various techniques for measuring the risks to which they are exposed (Elder, Beasley and Arens 2012). The methods used by the company include sensitivity analysis especially for interest rate, foreign exchange as well as price risks. One of the inherent ris ks is assessing the internal controls as well as policies and procedures that complement delegated responsibilities of management for the given functions. This includes assessing the adequacy of the policies, procedures and internal controls at the same time. Bega Cheese Audit Committee need to assess whether there are adequate resources as provided for the management after taking care of delegated responsibilities (Bierstaker 2012). Bega Cheese exposes to market risks in relation to foreign currency as well as interest rate actions. The company enters into a wide assortment of derivative financial instruments for managing exposures where it takes into consideration foreign currency contracts for hedging exchange rates risks from the sale of exported goods as well as purchase of imported goods (Arens, Elder and Mark 2012). Other inherent risk faced by Bega Cheese is monitoring as well as review at least annually on the risk register. The auditor needs to collect external as well as internal information that is directed to the Committee that necessitates strengthening or reviewing of internal controls (Elder, Beasley and Arens 2012). Inherent risk include situation where auditor of Bega Cheese need to make sure that all material as well as compliance risks are adequately reflected in the financial statements (William Jr, Glover and Prawitt 2016). The Governance Assurance Manager as well as internal auditor that prepares the annual governance and assurance audit plan that details the activities to be undertaken for each year in regard to key organizational risks in the business. It is in accordance with the determination of Enterprise wise risk management framework as well as material financial risks and last audited figures (Arens, Elder and Beasley 2016). Foreign exchange risks arise from the future commercial transaction as well as recognized assets and liabilities that demonstrate in a currency that is not the entity domiciled currency (Arens et al. 2015). Bega Cheese exports dairy products that are exposed to the foreign exchange risk that moves in exchange rate of US dollar. Bega Cheese involves in purchase that include capital equipment, ingredients as well as packaging that actually expose to the movements in exchange rates of US dollar and Euro. Internal audit is one of the key responsibilities of Governance as well as Assurance function within Bega Cheese (Elder, Beasley and Arens 2012). It is role of the internal auditor for providing independent as well as objective assurance in the adequacy and efficiency of Bega Cheese arrangement for risk administration, governance and internal control. Addition to that, the auditor need to make recommendations that will help in improving the effectiveness as well as efficiency of systems and process (William Jr, Glover and Prawitt 2016). Assessing the likelihood of the potential reliance that could place on the overall control environment From the Corporate Governance arrangements of Bega Cheese, it is understood that the company is committed towards maintaining higher standards of accountability as well as transparency in the administration and behavior of its trade operations (William Jr, Glover and Prawitt 2016). Board of Bega Cheese has accepted corporate governance strategy as well as practices that it is reliable with the sustained augmentation as well as achievement. This leads to constant improvement of value for Bega Cheese group shareholders. Bega Cheese has a diversity as well as inclusive strategy used for building a competitive advantage for the particular company. Addition to that, the strategy used need enduring assurance for leaders that embeds a society of improved thinking on matters relating to working in a diverse work environment (William Jr, Glover and Prawitt 2016). Bega Cheese has made strategies in involving for gaining acceptable development towards achieving the assortment approach objectives. It is represented by women who occupies the management position and increased from 23% to 26% during the previous years (Elder, Beasley and Arens 2012). Audit and Risk Committee is comprised of Independent Director who has certain responsibilities for overseeing the procedure of financial coverage, non-financial risk administration as well as internal control and compliance on external audit (Elder, Beasley and Arens 2012). Audit and Risk Committee members of Bega Cheese will be monitoring the compliance with laws as well as regulations in its own policies. The company should ensure in maintaining positive association between Bega Cheese and he external auditor that remains self-governing. It is necessary for the company for evaluating the adequacy of process as well as control over the established ways for identifying and managing the areas of potential risk in a given way (William Jr, Glover and Prawitt 2016). Reference List Arens, A.A., Best, P., Shailer, G., Fiedler, B., Elder, R.J. and Beasley, M., 2015.Auditing and assurance services in Australia: an integrated approach. Pearson Education Australia. Arens, A.A., Elder, R.J. and Beasley, M.S., 2016.Auditing and assurance services: An integrated approach. Prentice Hall. Arens, A.A., Elder, R.J. and Mark, B., 2012.Auditing and assurance services: an integrated approach. Boston: Prentice Hall. Bierstaker, J.L., 2012. Auditing and Assurance Services.Issues in Accounting Education,17(3), pp.341-344. Campbell, D.R., 2015. Auditing and Assurance Services.Issues in Accounting Education,16(1), pp.157-157. Eilifsen, A., Messier, W.F., Glover, S.M. and Prawitt, D.F., 2013.Auditing and assurance services. McGraw-Hill. Elder, R.J., Beasley, M.S. and Arens, A.A., 2012.Auditing and Assurance services. Pearson Higher Ed. Garner, D.E., 2015. Auditing Assurance Services.Issues in Accounting Education,13(3), p.768. Gay, G.E. and Simnett, R., 2015.Auditing and assurance services in Australia. Sydney: Mcgraw-hill. Louwers, T.J., Ramsay, R.J., Sinason, D.H., Strawser, J.R. and Thibodeau, J.C., 2013.Auditing and assurance services. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Ricchiute, D.N., 2014.Auditing and assurance services. South Western Educational Publishing. William Jr, M., Glover, S. and Prawitt, D., 2016.Auditing and assurance services: A systematic approach. McGraw-Hill Education.