Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Canterbury Tales Character Analysis - 1334 Words

The Canterbury Tales is a written work, by Geoffrey Chaucer, that is a representation of the society he lived in. His work portrays the feudal system during the medieval times and how each level of livelihood was a character, whose personalities reflect how Chaucer and his culture view them. During his time, his society regarded the Christian Church as corrupt and manipulative, with a few clergy who are honest and genuine in their exertion. Therefore, the ecclesiastical persona has the dispositions of either being con-men and charlatans or being devout and God-fearing. The other characters portray the themes of the middle ages of greed, prestigious, fraud, barbarity, vengeance and others. This novel consists of stories that illustrate rank†¦show more content†¦Chaucer says this because in his life, friars would work in churches and manipulate and sweettalk donators for the ‘needed’ money that is supposed to be given to the lepers and beggars, and not themselves. â€Å"There was a Friar, a wanton one and merry, a Limiter, a very festive fellow †¦so glib with†¦well-turned speech,† (Chaucer 8). Friars are corrupt and deceive the poor, while flattering the rich, and seducing women disregarding their vows of celibacy. The society views friars as almost dirt since they did what pleased them for they had â€Å"†¦a special license from the Pope,† (Chaucer 9) which is why the Friar’s tale is placed after the Wife of Bath tale, and not sixth, his social rank. The Knight is viewed as the highest in social rank in both status and temperament, while the Friar is ranked sixth socially, but ranked in the lower class in his nature. The Canterbury Tales is a collection of stories that represent how the classes are socially ranked, but viewed as lower than what the law has given them, and corresponds with the idea of gender equality and sin. During the medieval ages, women are viewed as a spawn of Eve, who brought sin and death into the world, as a goddess from Heaven, or considered property and in constant need of a man to live and help her family survive. Men are considered as the only means of work, intelligence, religion, and others, with the women having no rights to their own. While the women are considered nothing without a man in their life,Show MoreRelatedCanterbury Tales Character Analysis1988 Words   |  8 Pages The Canterbury Tales, by Geoffrey Chaucer, is a collection of tales and prologues of stories told by many characters whilst on a pilgrimage to the city of Canterbury. 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