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Developing a strategic framework efficient - Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss about the Developing a strategic framework efficient. Answer: Introduction: The textile, footwear and clothing manufacturing industry are a diverse one and it produces a wide range of products including various clothing, footwear, ready for use textiles and many other technical textiles. This industry is a major industry in the country and it has significant contribution to the revenue and national income. Most importantly, this industry also makes social benefit as it provides huge employment to the national population both in the organized and unorganized sectors. For last few decades, this industry is having unskilled and semi-skilled labors which indicate to the lack of competition in the manufacturing industry (Purce, 2014). As a result to that, the options of the footwear, textiles and clothing are decreasing to a great extent. However, along with rising globalization and emerging customer awareness, it has been vital that the industry employ skilled labors so that they can offer diverse choice of products to the customers. There are numbers of externa l and internal factors that are affecting the recruitment procedure. Along with that there are some apparent challenges in the sector which makes human resource management more difficult (Sparrow, Brewster Chung, 2016). Therefore, this report will trigger the potential challenges for human resource planning for this industry and plan the strategies to overcome the situation. This report will be made on the basis of renowned footwear and clothing brand, Nike. Key challenges for HR Planning in the sector: Labor supply and demand Australian footwear industry has recently faced a rough environment for operation over the past few years. A major reduction in tariff and a huge import penetration have changed the structure of the industry in a significant way. The supply and demand of labors are a major challenge for this industry as skilled labors are very much necessary for increasing variety of the products. The existing macroeconomic factors and conditions tend to affect the labor supply and demand of this industry to a great extent. With the increasing import of footwear and textiles, the manufacturers have reduced the production in the country to a great extent, which eventually reduced the demand of labors to a great extent. Adequate supply of labors for meeting the business goals and objectives mostly come from the outside sources (Marques et al., 2016). It is important to forecast the demand of the industry as it is more difficult than forecasting the supply of labors. In this industry, the compensation i ncluding the benefits and wages has made a strong difference for decreasing the demand and supply of labors. Continuous competition, economic weakness of the industry and globalization has indicated that this industry is not being able supporting a comfortable living for the labor and working class (Wu Lin, 2013). Therefore it affects the capability of the organizations to attract the skilled labors. Aging workforce Aging workforce is one of the most complicated yet rewarding issues in the footwear manufacturing industry in Australia. In most of the cases the matured workforce has projected their careers to end, but there are added concerns with these workforces such as instable pension facilities and current erratic economy. Statistics indicate that a huge section of the workforce is over the age of fifty in the industry. Adewole (2015) has also indicated that in the manufacturing industry, aged workforce is even quite rare. Therefore planning the succession rate can be difficult. It is highly possible that at one point the organization will discover that retaining the old workforce is more profitable that giving up on them. These employees have experience for a long time and they have gained enough knowledge through these years. Therefore the organization can utilize these values by counterbalancing the senior workforce. However, retaining aged employees can also create issues for the organiza tion, while the company will have to take care of their safety and health plan. The health plan can increase the annual medical costs of the company to a great extent, especially for the manufacturing industry (Hohenstein, Feisel Hartmann, 2014). Therefore developing an in-detail medical plan and wellness program for all the employees can be quite difficult. However the HR personnel should also take care of the employment and age discrimination laws before making any kind of accommodation for the employees as well. Diversity Diverse workforce is beneficial and difficult to handle at the same time. Managing a diverse workforce becomes more difficult as the most important thing here is to acknowledge the differences amongst employees. It not only involves identifying he differences and valuing them, but also combating the discriminatory attitude and promoting the inclusiveness. The management is mostly challenged with loss of labors which lead to less productivity within the organization. Moreover, this situation can also lead this to negative attitude within the organizational atmosphere and legal actions and complains against the company. The negative behaviors and attitudes can be a huge barrier for having a diverse workforce as it can be very much harmful for the professional relationship and eventually it can damage the work productivity and morale of the employees (Van Wingerden, Derks Bakker, 2017). In addition to that, the negative behaviors also include stereotyping and discriminating the employe es. However these should never be a part of the management regarding the retention, hiring and termination procedure. Therefore these can drive a lot of employees away from the organization along with creating a bad image of the organization in the market. Mostly, managing diverse culture depends on the capability of managers and emphasizing on the workplace dynamics and teamwork (Adewole, 2015). In the footwear, textile and clothing industry, the labors come from various backgrounds; therefore managing the diverse workforce becomes a significant challenge. Recruitment Strategies: In order to manage the major challenges in this industry, Nike has incorporated some recruitment and retention strategies which help them to deal with the adverse situations. Internal and external sourcing This is a major strategy for dealing with the potential human resource management challenges. The internal labor markets can be helpful in this issue, as in the internal labor market, the labors are hired at the entry level and the higher positions are filled with the internal employees. Therefore the wages can be determined on an internal basis and it can be free from the market pressure. On the other hand in the external labor market, the workers tend to move between different organizations and their remuneration is decided on the basis of aggregate processing and the organization does not really have any major discretion over the wage system (Mitchell, Obeidat Bray, 2013). In this term, Nike applies sourcing the labors from the internal labor market so that they can value the internal promotion and utilize the experience of older employees. However the external labor market exists and it significantly affects the hiring procedure and wage setting. Therefore Nike approves of the i nternal sourcing as it is more reliable procedure and it gives the organization a considerable control over the employees. Employer branding Branding of employer is quite important for retaining employees in the organization. It is a procedure for promoting the particular organization so that the employer can target the desired group of employees. This procedure has helped Nike to recruit and retain the employees along with attracting more people to the organization. The brand of the employer is the identity for the company for an employer of choice (Turker Altuntas, 2014). With the effective brand promotion of Nike, the company can be successful for attracting both the existing and future employees. As a brand Nike has a credible, true, distinctive and relevant identity that has been achieved through years. Therefore, branding the company is an effective way to deal with labor supply and demand. Training and development The training of employees should always be job specific, other than the generalized safety code or the code of conduct. The more the employee has the knowledge regarding manufacturing, the more productive he or she is. Any management system all around the world attributes the training and development program for high tier tasks, letting people to do more duties when there is a shortage of employees. Training the employees on ethics and safety will also decrease downtime while the internal conflicts or injuries prevent the staff members from focusing on the urgent tasks (Reyes et al., 2017). Nike conducts continuous training and development for both the senior and entry level workers. Training and development procedures are not only significant for enhancing the productivity of labors, but it also helps the organization to deal with diverse culture. Incentive program The incentive program can be any materialistic or non-materialistic thing, starting from a contest or empowering the employees more. The employees are most likely to respond to the additional rewards or to put more efforts for winning any prize or gifts. Other than spending more for getting more productivity from the employees, the organization can evaluate the possibilities of encouraging greater autonomy within employees. Fundamentally micro management does not only improve the productivity as the employees stress increases if there is more pressure of work on one shoulder (Hohenstein, Feisel Hartmann, 2014). However, with the help of close monitoring and modernization or new implementations in training program, monitoring can be helpful for determining whether the implementations are working or not. The managers also listens to the staff feedback from all operational level in order to make them feel that they are also a part of the entire procedure and implement the most valuable ones. Conclusion and Recommendation: Creating employment opportunities is significant for any industry, especially in the manufacturing industry. The textile, clothing and footwear industry is creating ample numbers of employment opportunities since customers paying more for quality footwear. Also, there are now increasing opportunities of exporting and increasing domestic market with the emerging population in the country. With the emergence of opportunities the nature of work and jobs are changing and it has also led to the added approaches. Within the manufacturing industry, there are several human resource management issues which have created barriers for the company, Nike. 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